[Text Responses] No words…just pictures delete words!

Just so its not confusing to anyone else, this chatt here is a not easy to follow for anyone who does not know whats going on.

Extra insulation is needed between P groups. The shrink wrap that comes on the cells is not adequate for high vibration environment of esk8. Check the pic below.

Like so,


More battery tips here.



Lol, I also like how the links are directed through AdF.ly, nothing wrong with it normally but when you are a company trying to sell you products, it is kinda irritating for the customer to have to look at the ads of random shit before they get to the page. Some will even just close the tab thinking it’s a scam. And for what 0.002 cents or some shit like that. What a joke Enertion is becoming


It’s better than blackmailing your forum members for $xxxx/mo or you will blacklist them. Just saying, hypothetically, you know


almost every word in that advert is misleading, wonder who wrote that

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I’d like to meet the people that come up with that shit.

It’s actually bitly; it’s not one of those “wait 5 seconds to continue” sites. They just seem to be using it to monitor if a user came from an ad or not it seems.

https://www.electric-skateboard.builders/t/no-words-just-pictures-delete-words/2992/10459?u=grozniy Interesting. Wires look thin though :thinking: Tell us more :slight_smile:


All hub motor wires are much more thin. Probably because of the low kv


@skelstar Is that a custom thingie?


Pretty much everything you see there is custom. The white-ish thing with the screen (3d printed white-ish thing) is sitting on a 3d-printed enclosure. The screen is driven by an ESP32.

[Just realised] … actually I used some of your Davega library to talk to the VESC (“vesc_comms”). Much tidier and cleaner than the other ones out there. Hope you don’t mind. Love your work :slight_smile:



Look at all those decks. Bamboo?

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I don’t mind at all. That’s what the open source is for. Thanks for the compliments.

What kind of screen is that? Also, why ESP32? Do you use the WiFi/Bluetooth for anything?


ESP32 is fast, lots of memory, has built in wifi/ble (as you know), has dual cores (which I’m not using the second core with this gadget).

The screen is a bit shit (128x128 1.44inch) but was on the ESP32 board that I bought ages ago (https://www.banggood.com/Wemos-TTGO-TS-V1_0-esp32-1_44-TFT-MicroSD-Card-Slot-Speakers-Bluetooth-Wifi-Module-p-1273383.html?rmmds=myorder). It has an ST7735 driver. I want to use one of the IL something screens like what you are using and use the TFT-eSPI library so I can use sprites. At the moment whenever the screen changes it rewrites the whole screen (adafruit GFX lib).

This is a quick hack. Eventually I want to get one of these working as the client https://ae01.alicdn.com/kf/HTB1GrcTKSzqK1RjSZFHq6z3CpXaS/New-Arrival-2019-M5StickC-1-of-Limited-Trial-Edition-ESP32-PICO-Mini-IoT-Development-Board-Finger.jpg_640x640.jpg

Also: I’m using BLE to send battery level notifications to my phone (using Blynk) on startup, and amphours used (and total) on power down. It’s a work in progress. :slight_smile:

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Thanks for the details and good luck with your developments.

I do like the esp32 a lot. I’m actually thinking of using it for the next generation of davega. It has enough memory to use micropython and that would speed up the development A LOT for me (I have a lot of professional experience with Python, unlike C++).

The only thing that worries me is the power consumption. I have read somewhere that it can can spike up to 1A, especially if you use wifi and bt simultaneously. AFAIK, that’s more than VESCs can handle.

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Ah interesting… hadn’t thought of that. Although BLE is v-low power, and the power spike is very short… I thought it was more like 400ma but nvm.

I think micro-python is slowish on ESP32s (could be wrong) and I like to rely on libraries for a lot of my code (displays etc). Thanks again for the code help :slight_smile:

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My bad, I assumed the .ly was from adfly as they use the same links

yes, maple + outer layer bamboo :slight_smile:

They are available online :slight_smile:

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https://www.electric-skateboard.builders/t/no-words-just-pictures-delete-words/2992/10457?u=filipandre95 @DerelictRobot What is this?

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Hoyt battery packs