The ''Mad Scientist'' GT2B mod

Get 100% silicone from hardware store. Mix with corn starch and some food coloring = high volume cheap sugru


This option sounds the best! I think the feel would be quite good with this one and it would also has some elasticity… clay would be rather heavy and brittle, silicon really sounds like a diy / cheap option.

(Proto Putty)


Guys, you all think way to complicated :smiley: You will see :wink:

I tried that but it didn’t work for me. The DIY shugru didn’t stick to the plastic and the resulting lump was far too flexible.

So did you throw this idea away… ?

I think there should be some sort of solution to put the ‘disassembled’ remote’s pcb into some nice shape…

So something in between the flexy silicon and hard - brittle clay would be needed…

Is this thing even waterproof if so how was the potentiometer sealed

I love how this is still alive one year later

Lol I bet you he dropped it one day while on a ride bs the battery or something fell off, he had to do the walk of shame all the way back home

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This mod deserves another mention. :star_struck: