The Ollin VESC is back!

Hey can you tell us the specs? like maximum current, voltage and power please?

How about them 5065 170kv motors? Coming back anytime soon?



Yes, please


I actually have a pair never used, was going to used them for robotics but they didnā€™t fit the application.

@b264 If interested, pm


@PeterKay we suggest using a maximum voltage of 12S Li-Ion,the peak voltage of the hardware is 60 volts. Our VESC features direct FETs and an aluminium enclosure/heat-sink so it is capable of 80 amps continuous and 150 amps max.

@pixelsilva we are working on bring motors available to builders again. At the moment our supplies are limited but we will definitely make them available again.

@Eboostin I will be making a thread on the hollow core deck soon.


Canā€™t wait! :blush:


Just want to let everyone know that you can choose the connector option best suited for your application in the drop down menu on our website. If you need something that is not listed please feel free to contact us and make a request!



Those are available from uniqualis. Iā€™m not sure if they have it on their online store, but you can email them and get a quote. 52 USD each. I know theyā€™re guaranteed readily available in 200kv, but Iā€™m sure 170kv is also a standard in stock there.

Also tagging @b264 since you seemed interested.

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Something about putting a credit card number into a site that uses ZERO encryption is kinda shady LoL. Iā€™d buy that then 5 minutes later call and tell my bank I lost the card, send me a new oneā€¦

How do you buy from that site ? All I see is to hit them up

You donā€™t. Shoot em an email and theyā€™ll send you a quote and you can use PayPal business.

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That makes a lot more sense.

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