The Show Down - HUMMIE vs JACOB - Electric Skateboard Hub Motor Test

The speed at which you can travel does not determine the quality of a motor… You could make these motors go even faster by increasing the KV, but the heat will just keep rising.

if you can somehow make a hub motor that goes high speed, climbs hills rapidly & has low heat you are on a winner!


His steel hubs seem to have far less heat problems. Running at 10s, my aluminum hubs went to 210 F while hummies steels got to 137 F. He is much lighter than me, and was running higher amp limits and at 12s instead of 10s, but it seems much cooler, even factoring in the difference.

I’ve decided to do a 4wd with 4 Chaka VESCs and 4 of hummies steel motors. Hummies been helping me press the deck in making for it, and it’ll have a 16000 mAh. The goals: 15+ miles with steep hill climbing abilities.

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Huston Huston we have a problem ! Seems like not only the old version of Jacobs hubs has wobbly urethane. The new ones have this issue as well :frowning:

Yeah I think hummie motors win by default because Jacobs are unusable at this point. When the urethane was brand new and stayed in place I was quite surprised with the torque. If until this issue can be fixed hummie is the winner in my books even though I don’t own his motors.

Yeah …that sucks…torque in Jacob hubs seems really impressive.

Yeah they seemed perfect for cruising on flat lands with enough torque to speed up quickly even though I weigh 95kg

I have bothbut have not installed my EMF motors yet. I weigh 210 and Hummies have no problems pushing me up hills.

I’m kinda wishing I had steel hummie hub motors right about now lol

Give them a 70 amp limit, not 50.

Well, I am 45kg with Hummie hubs. This should be good. Just need MONEY to buy parts for the rest of the build. Christmas should hurry up and I should start working.


70amp in total or per motor ? :confused:

Per motor.

That’s a lot…what battery do you use ? Lipo ? …when I am making Lg HG2 pack in 4p all I’ll have is 80amps total. So max 40amps per motor.

motor current can be higher than battery current. my vesc is also set up with 50A battery and 70A motor current!

The flaw in hummies motors is the smaller stator, if you want to call it a flaw. This is why I think a 4wd of hummies would be the best configuration. Lower tempetures, which are really my only issue. I’m back to riding the aluminum version daily again for the last 2 weeks. They are great hubs, except for the heat.

@onloop I’m not looking for trouble, but the way that end was edited and the omission of Jacobs track test, along with the main focus being on the temperature of the motors, seemed like you were trying to railroad his motors, instead of doing an unbiased, fair test. The whole tone of the test seems to point out the flaws of hummies, ignoring the flaws of Jacobs, pointing the good things out about Jacobs, and ignoring the good things about hummies. No real talk about the rubber slippy on Jacobs. No tests to compare the slipping of the rubber on hummies (which doesn’t slip) versus the slipping of Jacobs, which seems to be very quick. Again, not looking for trouble, but I can’t stand by and watch this without voicing my opinion. I could effectively do the same kind of edit to make Jacobs look bad and hummies to be great, but that’s not right. The point should be to compare all goods and bads of both, not the goods on one and the bads on the other. Rubber issues could be design issues, not just your mixture of polyurethane. So it is an imporatnt issue. Everyone saw what happened to Mischo Erban at 60 mph when the cores come off. Not everyone’s riding around in leather suits with full head helmets either, so you do want to know your wheels will stay on the motors and do their job.


didnt have a feeling that it was overly biased - jason said that he had grip issues with jacobs and you could see it in the acceleration test clearly that hummies, despite smaller motor, were just as fast because they didnt have that problem.

it really felt like the end was kinda rushed though … as if someone suddenly had no time anymore cause a baby was born. :smile:

what I overall never understood is that weird focus of really EVERYBODY on the motor stats when they talk about hubs. whats way more important to me has always been the urethane, how the hubs feel, the comfort it provides, the grip they have for carving. I dont care at all if a hub can bring me up to carving speed in 3, 5 or 20 seconds - I just want a great feeling wheel.


I second that 100%. Everone seems to miss the comfort aspect of riding proper urethane. Just take a look at @RunPlayBack . Seems like he basicly forced CARVON to start using 90mm FLYWHEELS instead of riding cheap Chinese urethane.