Things that Non-Eskaters say

woman: ‘‘walking is allot healthier’’ me: ‘‘alright, do you want to give it a shot for 16km over rough terrain at 30 km/h’’? woman:’‘no, but I still believe walking is better’’

mountain bikers always try to catch up, not realising I am at only 2/3rd of my throttle range most of the time. Then you get the ‘‘not fair’’ comment. In general, it would appear that those doing traditional ‘‘non-powered’’ sports dislike what they see and want to show that the traditional way is still the best.

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:joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy: I’m dead


“Wait, that thing has brakes!?”


OMG yes. One guy was waiting at a 4-way stop sign in his truck and I was coming in perpendicular at 24mph. He waited for me to get all the way there and then like a magic, I stopped at the stop sign. I think I watched his head explode in disbelief. He was like “HOW DID YOU DO THAT?”


One night this guy was with a group of friends, they were all older, he’s all like

“That’s a cool board, dude. I used to be a pro longboarder and [blah blah blah, snipped]”

I said “Did you ever learn how to do this?” And I stepped off the front of the board, turned around, and shoved it away from me as fast as I could, then hit the throttle and drove it right back under my foot like a boomerang.

His eyes got really big and he just walked away. His buddy turns to me and says, “Man, I think you just blew his mind”


ROFL… fuggin love it :slight_smile:


I’m working on my first build now. I’m already hearing people asking questions after reading all these

Already have my answer though

I use the force


Why are you not wearing a helmet :wink: . What do you do when the batteries die. how much did it cost. you really spent 500 dollars on that.

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“if its only got one motor, what stops you from just riding in circles?”



They must have one of those one-motor cars that only drives in circles :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Why is is only 1 wheel drive, thats like no power

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Me: I did the math and my dual drive setup comes out to about 6hp! thats awesome!

them: my moms 89 civic has almost 20 times that… zzzzz LAME

me: butbutbutbutbtutbutbut power to weight ratio o.O


true though :stuck_out_tongue:

What are the power-to-weight ratios for that 1989 Civic with you in it and your esk8 with you on it. Because I bet the esk8 is higher…

might be… lol

Assuming ( off the top of my head) the civic is probably 2150 pounds with that little flat 4 in it with 120/130 hp thats probably around 17/18

the esk8 ( averaging values here) probably produces around 10 hp(???) and saying the rider is around 180 pounds with a board that weighs 20/25 pounds?

thats around 20…

esk8 is the winner here! ( not by as much as i thought though)

edit: I was wrong! the board does have a higher ratio! I corrected my numbers :slight_smile:

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“I know cars are like 700 and 800 hp your board is weak lol”…

I like it when people on the street say ‘‘lol’’

I’ve gotten that several times. Some asshole near my work yells that at me every time he sees me riding. Dude’s got nothing better to do with his life than to hassle people that have stuff he wishes he had when he was young.

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It’s closer to around 2 hp per motor. Going with power to weight ratios calculations 2150 lbs/130hp = 16.5lbs per hp.

Assuming dual motors with 3hp each 205lbs/6hp = 34.2lbs per hp

By math, your reasoning is invalid. The Civic is better.

That happens alot where I live