To all the Casey Neistat haters :-p

In his new Video he shows himself with a helmet pointing out he’s from now on wearing it. So that’s good for him and for his viewers, although it is still crazy irresponsible he hasn’t done that earlier.

Wow, to me it just sounds like this guy needs to grow up and not get his feeling hurt so easily.

Why do people care if someone wears a helmet or not, if hes stupid and doesnt wear one who cares if he dies or breaks some bones.

Especially when rising as fast as he does

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Because that will get things banned for the rest of us


Looks bad for the hobby in general if someone who is in the limelight gets hurt. Also, being a big “YouTube star” means lots of kids looking up to him and want to emulate him end up doing the same thing (see first point). Also he’s riding in a city with lots of potential to get hit by a car and just don’t want to see people getting hurt needlessly.


What a silly little conversation.

People should really mind there own Business and stop playing police.

If someone is a public person it does not mean he’s public property. You may be right when you say as a role model he should wear a helmet but still its his choice. If his viewers copy his behaivior and get hurt, its for some part qlso his fault and he has to deal with it, not you.

And if you may again see a public person and are hurt that he or she has no time for you, just be clear that you are one of the persons in the following photo who take a picture.

Seatbelts, Is a great example. Driving without seatbelts is Illegal and for good reason.

And Rude police should play police?

electric longboards Can be a danger to cars and pedestrians, Not wearing a helmet can say "I Drive unsafe and I don’t even care for my own safety. "

Like there are kids in skate-parks that would be happy to ware helmets but think it is uncool Because nobody els wares them and then the kid Has a bad fall and gets a concision.

So yes We should play Police Before the police do there thing.

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I didn’t say we should have laws in place that require Casey to wear a helmet I was stating why I think he should and why it’s my business if he does or doesn’t (I was answering to why does anyone care or how does this effect them)

I really hate the idea of laws specific to esk8. The end result will be the police checking you out and taxes, that’s is bullshit.

When you guys are talking about what someone should or shouldn’t do please please please keep in mind that MAKING someone do something is not ok if what he’s doing doesn’t hurt you.


Mandated by law and a good idea are two different things. I think it’s a good idea he wears a helmet so the hobby in general doesn’t get heavily regulated. Same issue comes up with quadcopters all the time (Casey or not) with regard to people being reckless with them and then posting that on YouTube… it makes the person posting the video look irresponsible and casts a bad light on everyone in the hobby. It’s not that I want more laws around esk8 or quadcopters it’s that I want less.


It actually does affect you. Probably not in the US since the health system there is a rip off. But in most countries, a brain damaged person costs the tax payers a lot of money.

@wafflejock totally agree. If everyone mostly behaves themselves, we won’t need soul crushing laws sucking the fun out of everything.


Regardless of the cost of treating a brain damaged person, and I say this with the most respect I can type…my personal liberties are none of your business. If you try to impinge on my personal liberty I will FIGHT. That is all.


I wonder…would you have said that about Derek? Or any of us? the reason I care about people wearing a helmet is because I actually care if our community members die because of it and public figures need to spread awareness and knowledge (with caring!) to those who are at threat of dying through ignorance…

Oh, and…I do…I care…hell I even care if you die without a helmet on, because the “i told you so” to parents and friends is damn painful…

Good lord dude, that was cheap…

Is there anyone here that hasn’t heard, as if they didn’t already know, its safer to ride with a helmet?

Regardless if someone cares or not, laws will be made once some idiot without a helmet on gets seriously hurt or dies. That’s why most people get pissed at Casey for not wearing a helmet. IMO

When someone makes such a disguising display of human character…it’s not cheap to speak to it and point it out dude…wearing a helmet and spreading awareness is not a stupid idea, it saves lives…argue all you wish, you are on the wrong side of human decency to say something like that…there’s a shit ton of people here who care if their fellow community members die, how foolish can you be to say “no one who cares if he dies or breaks some bones.” REALLY? we are going to let that go by in the face of facts? That we care, collectively…there’s giant threads displaying just how much people care…sorry but I’m just trying to point out what gets peopled killed…complacency to the ideas, complacency to safety…complacency to douchbags…

I don’t disagree with that, was a hitty thing to say…but you brought up Derek to further your point and that’s cheap.

Once again, I don’t disagree. What Im saying is that YOU don’t have the right to make laws because YOU don’t like what I do. If I don’t wear a helmet, its my ass that suffers the consequences, not you, so what right do you have to try and force me to wear a helmet?


I brought up something to help get my point across and maybe if enough people started doing the same the point would be fucking heard and people would stop dying because it would mean facing the reality of the situation. As a trainer I use tools like that to create teachable moments, your feedback is just telling me it worked and let’s hope is reaches the wider audience too. You can criticize my methods and me too if you wish, but as you have shown, it works as intended… We lose eskaters all the time, we lost one in the bay area last month, dead. I guess the posts about dead skaters will become more the norm than people reminding others to stay safe because they are all afraid of what now? being cheap? is that what you called it…then by all means, I’m cheap as hell dude, I’ll take it…but I’m not going to beat around the bush, people who ride eskates without a helmet are playing with fire…it’s not a preference thing, it’s a “hey you’re a dumbass” and I think that each and every time I see someone riding near 30mph without a helmet on, I’m just honest enough to say it…how about everyone do that and maybe we’ll see less deaths as the hobby grows…tough situations require tough talk…I’ll jump on this grenade with a smile dude…and done cheaply…lol because ain’t nobody got time for funerals…I would rather be riding…