Torque Boards 6355 power issues.. =/

ill just show you… i can recreate it!!! my phones dead give me one sec i plugged in the rx and its doing the bad thing now…im doing a low res vid so you can see this thing. uploading now


here is a vid of the issue!

so I dont know if this is whats ejecting me from the board but i think it could be related. something is not quite right…

Oh you’re talking about the other remote. I thought you said you had the nano-x. Anyway, you should be careful throttling like that when your motor cogs or gets stuck, you can burn out your electronics.

It sounds like the VESC’s timing is out of sync, but I haven’t ran into this issue before. The only thing I can say is to run detection a whole bunch of times and make sure the readings are consistent and entered correctly in BLDC tool, which, from previous posts, looks like they are.

Ah I think someone told me they were clones, who knows lol… they seem nice enough ya thats very troublesome, as I can barely walk right now haha!! I will switch the vesc then I guess and see if my luck gets better… Where are these vesc timing settings XD

you get problems when turning you say? I still think you likely have an internal short happening. fiddle with the wires while powering it and see what happens. the phase wires maybe are shorting to the motor can or sometihing.

it might have been a coincidence the turning thing though… maybe this is a throttle input issue, it seems I cant burst the max signal but I can go up and down easy enough…

ya ive been playing with the input and I need to maybe restrict the top end as long as the motor isnt dead stop I can play with throttle, I just cant gun it or it clicks and fails… this really sucks i would really like to hear more about this VESC timing you speak of, I wonder if this could this be too much signal from the controller?


does the motor still get warm? or hot? even though you aren’t putting much power in? is it noisier?

ive been running it wot, its sitting on its block right now, feels cold to the touch, motor sounds good and no unusual sounds

its really touchy with this controller, if i use it a certain way i know i wont get spikes… so can i program the remote for this behavior? its like one second pause is necessary before max input or else it spikes

One more thing I thought of. Since your motor’s unsensored. It’s probably losing timing when you blast the throttle like that. You have to kick start unsensored motors for them to work properly.

so then this isnt responsible for ejecting me from the board at max speed? there is a long wire that is the sensor wire i believe can i hook it up?

The remote you’re using is the new version of the winning remote. Perhaps it has the same flaws as the original winning remote. I’ve been ejected from my board by the original winning remote as well.

Try turning off your remote when your board is on and seeing if it brakes by default.

awesome idea writing that down!! if their is anything else you can think of do let me know Im pretty much working on this full time

when the signal of the remote goes on and off, the remote changes so that when u let go of throttle it immediately brakes!

so the motor has a wire like this but i dont think my vesc has a space for it

I think you have to reset neutral position of the remote by rebinding. Follow these steps

You need this header to fit the VESC.

OK so i managed to avoid the constant spikes that occur in the input by making these adjustments to the throttle curve… its works!! now i can gun it and not get spikes. .sure there will be latency but maybe i just keep playing with it and im planning on dual motor anyways…

damn ya i dont have those jst connectors… i should get em cuz their worth it right?