VESC Tool has been a huge amount of work and there are also many updates and new functions in the firmware. I will work on a reference hardware design in the next days. It will essentially be the same as the VESC6, but a square PCB with SMD electrolytic capacitors, mounting holes and a few other changes. It should work as a PCB only and not require a case for mounting. Hopefully people can adapt it easily if they want to make different cases
At first I was a little baffled to see the 20€ price tag on the VESC Tool Platinum, but what the hell. Vedder has done some great work and I’ll happily pay him to use his program.
One question though, in the product description it says “… You will be able to download the latest platinum status version of VESC Tool for six months.”
So it’s a subscription to get updates, but once I have them I can use them for however long I want?
Yeah, just read that. Looks like it’ll be like flair on the vesc forum. Might even get your questions answered faster. I have zero problem with this structure. Wish he had set up a patreon or something a long time ago.
I’m not quite understanding how it is an upgrade to use vesc tool over bldc tool with 4.12HW and 2.18FM? The only advantage would be its upgraded UX?
Well, per Franks post, FOC is only better if upgrade to the new 3.27 FW running on 4.12 HW. It is not the tool itself that will grant better FOC-ing (heh)
You can access the VESC-Tool download and the forum, other sections will follow soon. Beside a good start into the week you will be able to use the new FW 3.27 with your 4.xx hardware. Your 4.xx will still be a 4.xx, but FOC is a lot better and all the new features, like the input wizards and throttle curves, are available. Note that this update won’t make HW 4.x more robust against broken DRVs for certain motors, so if you had problems with a motor and HW 4.x before it is likely to remain.
What I didn’t understand is if it is required to upgrade to 3.27FW on 4.12HW in order to use vesc tool.
Yes I plan to build 0.81 for macOS. Though I hope at some point it will be possible to download from the official website. I am willing to help with that.