yes, not yet. I sent the update into review about an hour ago. It will take about a day for apple to approve the update. So look for an update sometime tomorrow, or the day after at the latest. Sorry guys!

On a good note though, I’m working on the video overlay feature as I type. Seems I have some competition and you know what they say about competition… The customers always win! :stuck_out_tongue:


Also, I’m not sure if your talking about the VESC Vision or the VESC Status (which is the new app). The VESC Status was approved last night, but has a graphics bug that has been fixed, but needs to be approved before everyone can download it.

:)) never mind me just to tired…found the app already in the german App store…it runs ok…running it on Iphone5 ( same issue with the overlay, in Landscape mode it works on only half of the screen.

Yea, the issue is it needs to load in lanscape mode or it loads the graphics wrong. You might be able to force it to load landscape by locking your phone to landscape mode (on that screen where you have the flashlight option), maybe…

If not, this update will force it to load in landscape when apple approves it.


An update to those who have ordered: All orders have been shipped. They will arrive Thursday or Friday.

@evoheyax: Got more modules ready?

If anyone in sweden/scandinavia needs one, let me know and we’ll make a collaborative order.

Yes I do. And group buy to Europe would be a great idea. The shipping to Europe is about 7-10 days and it’s $13.50 USD.

Another update for November 23rd:

  • v1.1 of the Vesc Status will (hopefully) be approved today, which will fix the graphics glitch.
  • v1.2 though is right around the corner with an amazing new feature: video overlays :stuck_out_tongue: I put in over 12 hours of research to build my own video recording class. It’s simple, and exactly what we would want while riding on a board (auto focus, auto white balancing, and auto exposure). The video recording is now working, I just need to figure out how I will get the data on each frame it’s recording. I’ve seen a lot of information about this out there, so I suspect I should be able to get that working later today.

Check back soon for more updates. I am looking into linking this data with the cloud some how so you can share graph data (as was suggested a while back), which will be one of the next steps after video overlays are complete :slight_smile:


One more question, is there an area that records and/or Displays vesc fault codes?

Not right now, though I will add that back in with even more data in the very near future.

I ran out of space, and need to reformat the main display again in the near future so I can fit that and some power consumption and duty cycle information to start with, and eventually, even more data than this.

Update has been approved. If anyone finds any bugs, please report it here.

I’m sorry but why would your app annoy me with notifications while I’m still asleep? Please don’t do that :slight_smile: I can uninstall (it’s a threat)

Just go to notifications under settings find the app and turn off notifications

Update looks great!

It does seem to keep metric temp and speed even after choosing US

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Sorry to anyone I incovienaced. I can add a setting to turn notifications off if they bother you. Unfortunately, it’s hard to not catch someone while they are sleeping, as when I sent it, it was the middle of the day for some. But I’ll add a setting so you (and anyone else who don’t like them) don’t get annoyed.

Are you sure @Bender it’s not saving to when you chose the US? After you change it in the settings, for it to change on the main screen and graphs screen, you have to press record.

If it still doesn’t work, do any of your other settings save? If there’s a bug here, I need to squash it, because it saves just fine for me…

If you press US and then close settings and then open settings again, metric is chosen?

Or maybe those people can put their phone on vibrate and quit being such a drama queen.

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i would leave that setting on. New updates bring new options to play with; who would not want to know if there is something new in the app ???

The new update works just fine on the iphone 5 :smiley:

The App looks good. Haven’t tried to connect to my VESC, but I will try soon. Would be cool if you will enable to rotate the device by 180 degrees. So that it also works in landscape but with the home button on the right. To the US and Metric thing. For me there stands mm for both settings. Also if I want to change the wheel diameter the keyboard pops up, but it isn’t possible to close it. Return does nothing, touching on the background does nothing and even closing the settings doesn’t close the keyboard. Just restarting the app helps on a iPhone 5.

noob question but have you seen the button next to return on the keyboard?

I don’t have that button…:cry:

Also tested an english keyboard and choose english as device setting. All the same.

Do you by any chance have another keyboard app installed ? or are you using the default one ? i am also using the German Keyboard and have no issue with the iphone5