What Does Your User Name Mean?


many charz


Mine was awarded to me by the students in the school where I work for services to pyrotechnics and making cool shit.

It’s a bit blow my own trumpet but it is self explanatory…


images%20(4) 'scuse me while I make these into joints and fly them to Everest on my private jet.


Schulerbible :point_right: image

I was told to be a Schulerbible when I started Uni … 15 years later, still at Uni :slight_smile:


Still not sure you don’t hang people from meat hooks…lol

@psychotiller One of the best all time songs…never fail to hear it when I see your avatar :grin:

@bevilacqua I always translated in my head to balaclava…lol sorry english speaking only


You like baked pudding or casserole? lol Honest I didn’t cheat… :smirk:

MARS my initials/name…great thread…:sunglasses:

Back in the 80’s the star sign thing was big. Occasionally usually unsuccessfully I would try to use it in pickup lines. Like I’m from mars your from Venus. Did I mention I used to drink…lol They definitely had to be true blonde…sorry girls no offence meant…lol

But I really prefer this meaning: Ares and Mars were worshiped for their battle skills. The people of all beliefs including Norse, Greek, Roman and Australian had one god that was a ruthless killer. They were named gods of war but also some were named gods of battle strategy. Mars and Ares are both the gods of war.

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Brought my daughter to get her eye checked and they had her pupils dilated. I thought it was the really cool.


Mine’s simple, last name is dant, so its me, dant…

My friend about 15 years ago had a computer “fixing” company called Dye Computer Services (based off of his last name), so his email was itsmedye@ so I made mine to mess with him…its just stuck now.


I wish I had a better story… treenutter was my handle on EndlessSphere and I came up with it one night because I had a friend visiting from the UK and she used the term “nutter” (it’s not used often in the US so it stood out) and it was in my head… I was eating cashews when I created my account in ES; treenuts+nutter. I used the same handle on this forum for consistency and so the folks I knew on ES could find me…

Have you ever opened an account without knowing that in years to come it would be a major focus in your life?


I thought it was Spanish English

Si Bike = Yes Bike


:roll_eyes::grin: That’s funny more charz

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I’m half Belgian (waffle heads) and half Pakistani (camel jockeys). Due to AOL username character limits at the time I could only get wafflejocke to fit so I clipped off the e (also thought it was funny having jock in my name when I was clearly a nerd, I was like 13 but have stuck with it, so like 22 yrs now and counting)


Jadatmag translates to ‘Yes you may’.

I came up with it so when girls asked my e-mail I could answer 'Jadatmag(Yes you may) (long awkward silence) @ hotmail.com.

Has sticked with me as my online nickname for 10+ years.

I also have a mobile phone number with my name in it (T9 style).


Clam down Matt… shiiiit :joy:


Japanese pronunciation of Neil, though now that I think about it it should have been Niiru. 37 is just a random number that stuck with me.

Yeah, that’s why my pubg username is cockjazzer

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No biggie on my side, yet I’ve been using this nick since maybe 10 years now…

Used it on forums, in games, on Endless Sphere, administrative shit, the list goes on…

I often got “Vana” as nick from it.

It does ring like a sexual disease too.


Almost a 50 smthng.

mine is a rather lengthy story, but here goes nothin…

So i went to catholic school up until HS, until then everyone called me demonboy because my eyes are ALWAYS dialated (side effect of being ADHD due to chemical imbalance) so my eyes always look black. cool right?

well since 5th grade i decided to follow Buddhism (because of a girl, naturally) and around 7th/8th grade when her family finally accepted me being around they started taking me to vietnam w/ them and i started to pretty much live at the temples there, learning a lot about the faith and meditation and what have you.

so this goes on well through hs and my best friend (We’ll call him Dave) who i have known since i was in 2nd grade and first came back to the US, got it in his head that i needed a new nickname. w/e… so Halloween rolls around Sophmore year, i’m dressed as The Crow. Where i lived tho, we had a problem with juggaloes (ICP fans) and this group called JH (Juggalo Haters)

well i was walking to my girlfriends house (same one from 5th grade) and this group of 3 JH guys tried to jump me because they thought i was a juggalo due to the clownish paint that the crow wears, ima spare the fight details, but i managed to get away w/ 4 broken ribs and got to my girls house where dave, and our girls were waiting and he took me to the ER (how i know about the ribs) (dave had the vehicle since he was 16 and 1st to get his license)

so we get there i get told that i have 4 broken ribs and need 3 stitches on my eye brow (have bomb ass insurance from my dad at that time so i paid the 25$ co-pay and hounded the mail after school for a week to intercept the insurance letter) any who, they do the x-rays and all their stuff and we drop the girls off at their places and we go to davids. I start to meditate.

i meditate and fasted for 3 days and eventually lost consciousness because i wasn’t eating and that was the longest i had meditated to do what i’m about to explain. So david upon coming home from school realizes he cant wake me up takes me to the ER and they put an IV in my arm and i eventually come to confused and the same dr from a few days ago comes in and has a look of shock on his face (like hes about to lay some heavy shit on you and doesnt know how to tell you) so he comes in holding xrays (apparently i was conscious once before then, idr it but w/e) and says idk how this happened, in all my time practicing medicine i’ve never seen deep tissue bruising heal in 3 days time, let alone broken ribs. these xrays show signs that your ribs WERE broken… but look like an old injury.

so i’m leaving a lot of details out for the sake of the already long length, but since then Dave has called me Holyman and so has everyone else in this small ass town lol

EDIT: and 92 is just the year i was born


Yeah that’s an IP conflict. I’m going to have to get Frank involved