Why do dogs h8 esk8?

@pixelsilva i can tell you never had a dog. if you did youd be amazed by their observational and social skills. their often comical way of dealing with things is just the dogs way of getting to you. they know exactly what you like and love about them. :relaxed:

a dog chasing cars? never seen that one and if at all theyd probably do it for fun, cause „the hunt“ satisfies primal needs. same thing with chasings balls or sticks.

i got 2 dogs and they never chased anything but prey. first time they saw animals on tv they licked the screen, looked behind the tv and that was the end of the story. they love humans unless they classify them as weird - been growling at drunk people, a weird man hiding behind a tree in the forest, people walking around my house and trying to look inside. all in all they judged every situation perfectly and thats not a suprise at all cause thats what dogs are really good at.


Dogs have a very strong sense of smelling. especially for urine…possibly they smell you as a female dog on heat, that was something they certainly will follow…

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My dog loves my esk8’s. The only time she chases me is when I don’t let her ride. :slight_smile:


Cats are pointless pets.

99% of cat owners are irresponsible for letting them roam free to kill wild life, crap on others property, damage car paintwork. And cat owners have the audacity to moan about drivers running them over too. Ive killed 3 in 3 years, with many near misses, because for some reason they feel compelled to dash in front of my car whilst driving, Very intelligent.

Its not cats i have a problem with, its their owners and society for keep an animal that has not been fully domesticated. Im not a dog person either but at least most owners do not let them roam, it wont eat you if you die either.

Oh and cats loyal??? seriously.

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couldn’t agree more. but here in my place, is the cow who is the problem. people use like to use cows for farming, and they owner let those cows wall free…I always very scare of crush with a cow…

R-Spec Ghost (…hummmmmm… :thinking:) Like the wheels on this D-Ex Eliptical Genisis Trucks ?

A bit offtopic perhaps but @pixelsilva could you possibly provide more details with that pic? It looks stunning!

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Its been a mystery for long time. The board is for kite surfing, is a D-Ex (I think from the UK) with elliptical Genesis trucks I believe. Those wheels are the real mystery. What brand and size they are? They look awesome and have the right profile, thickness and width. Just big and wide enough to become candidate for esk8 projects. I always tought they were R-Spec Ghost, but that is just a hunch. What do you think?

I have no clue actually, I just thought it looked really sweet :slight_smile:

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Yeah It is sweet and simple. A clean board design and the wheels are awesome.

Where the hell do you live where dogs are just roaming around not in a fenced area or chained up? :slight_smile:

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Got chased by a small dog a few weeks back, I went full throttle and lost it but the damn thing kept up for a while probably till I hit 20mph. I was more afraid if it getting caught up in my wheels and effing us both up more than it biting me, after that incident the owner doesn’t let the dog out with out a leash anymore but it still tries to break free and chase me when it sees me.

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sorrentino, you let them run free and unchained, when you live in a country like this:

Dogs just hate skateboarders and generally they are picking up on cues from their owners.

Dogs read subtle subconscious reactions by their owners.

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…to this day I don’t know what subtle subconscious reactions the stupid dogs are reading when chasing Bridgestone radial tires (??)