WTS or trade Hugertech Racer

I fucking love your review, hahah. I’m aware this board isn’t the best thing, I just want it because it got sexy ass hubs. Also just want a spare board Incase my meepo wannabe board breaks.

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Thanks lol

Hubs where actually pretty sexy. Not sure if they where actually waterproof. Stones got stuck pretty easy though. I did consider keeping the hubs and build a board with them lol. The remote was actually also quite nice.

Make a new battery and it’s much better. Mount the parts on a new deck and it’s 10 times better. Probably get some new bushings while you are at it too.

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Me making a battery, that’s a no no. Range isn’t a problem for me, as I only ride about 6 miles a day. If I where to get this, I would switch the deck to my x-24b so I can :dancer: on the board image


Taking back my offer brother, I’m leaning towards a cheaper board and kinda want to keep the 107


just a bump

Are you still selling this?