Apple and the Community

Frc? Team no?


I just buy apple to distance myself from all the hobo’s who can’t afford shit.

grabs popcorn

Wanne talk innovation? Take a huge look at the first iphone please. And tablets. And the mouse. And the ipod.

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I was also raised as a Jehovah’s Witness – but as I matured, I became an adult and learned how to make informed decisions.

It’s possible to straighten your life out any time you want. Just remember, you are hurting more than yourselves.


852 - Athenian


Yes, but it’s been a while since they released something as innovative as any of those products. The Apple Watch may be the best smart watch but they were playing catch by the time it was released

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Nice, I was on 4026 before I garduated in 2015. Hosently I had the time of my life on the team. Enjoy it while you can!


Lot of words.

You don’t use Xcode to compile the project to run the desktop app. This applies to vesc tools, ackmaniac and unity. You would know this if you’ve compiled any of these projects from source.

Catch up, or letting the competition surface all the errors? Being first to market isn’t always an advantage. In many cases the Fast follower wins

Sweet, now make a list for PC/Android.

I’ll wait 14 years for you to compile that.


I completely agree, and the Apple Watch is a true example of that, being a better product that sells better.

Yet, Apple used to be the first to the market with big things like this and the fact that they have laid back and tried to be the “Fast follower” has caused wavering faith in investors and the general public, and a subsequent drop in stock.

I myself am happy to jump on the first to market bandwagon, and I’d prefer that Apple go back to being big and bold in that area.

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Ah I see , but my post isn’t talking about compiling until the second paragraph, and that paragraph only takes about how it’s the community who does it and not usually the makers. My first paragraph just talks about what it means to develop native OSX/IOS applications. This is my fault of not asserting that I’m talking about making OSX/IOS applications in general and then pointing to how makers releasing everything else but a OSX application isn’t something uncommon.

They kinda still are if making it proper first is your definition of innovation. Innovation just isn’t as big when they made the first proper smartphone. There where smartphones like sony with the p-series and blackberry before iPhone launched but they released something that was way better.

Faceid is a good example where a lot of companies made attempts to make it work with camera and software. Nothing new again from apple but what’s new is that they made something that works properly and is a good replacement for the fingerid.

Apple watch was also nothing new but it was just made properly and worked so it got big quick.

Icloud was not new but it’s without comparison when it comes to beeing user friendly and backup even the smallest setting, photo, app and so on.

Airpods… Not new but when they first make it its without all the hassle and fiddling to pair Bluetooth it just works. They got good battery life, decent sound and are small. Excellent mic quality for handsfree use.

I wouldn’t call Apple innovative but when they sell something it works and it often has a more polished user experience.


I agree with you, I think they definitely still innovate, they just aren’t doing as much or as boldly as they have in the past.

This ^ is why I think they’re still so prominent across the industry. The interface is best for a lot of consumers, and even if Android can perform better a lot of people prefer the simplicity that Apple can provide.



Because most big titles release on ios first.

Because ios actually has tablet optimized versions of apps.

Because apple smartphones and tablets get 5 year software updates.

Because the resell value of all apple devices is way better.

Because allmost all apps are pretty much the same on ios and android.

Because iphones have the fastest cpu’s on release and 6-18 months ahead.

Because android/ios tablets and smartwatches don’t even compete in the same world.

Because the mac/ipad/iphone/watch actually have nice integration and continuity.

Because Apple laptops and tablets have the best battery live in the business.

Because Apple laptops have the best screens in the business for color.

Because I like the sleek designs.

Because it’s personal preference.

The freedom is a good argument in a tiny window of instances. The unity software will be available later yes. OMG I SHOULD CHANGE MY LIFE AND THROW AWAY ALL MY APPLE HARDWARE.

Can’t we just peacefully live besides each other? People who wan’t good hardware and hobo’s?

In reality I’m a windows user at home, switch between android and ios phone every 2 years. And use a Macbook pro professionally. When I advice friends what phone or laptop to buy it’s usually an android phone that doesn’t cost 1000 dollars and a windows laptop that has good bang for buck. I’m just not as poor as my friends (I’m joking).

And ofcourse

grabs popcorn


We’re being used like a toy, and we will be thrown away like a dirty diaper afterward.

And people like you can’t see the forest for the trees. Your iGlasses are so thick that you’re completely fine with destoying your children’s economy.

It’s okay, I don’t have children, you can fuck up your country for your offspring as much as you want. At least I know I’m not contributing to your children’s downfall.

I bet you voted for Trump too, huh


I genuinely broke out in laughter after reading that. You made my day. I love you.

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You grab a lot of popcorn don’t you?

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I love my wealthy Apple way of living

With due respect, I call BS