Best, most reliable, easy to do GT2B mod

imho the mad monkey is aesthetically more pleasing. But that’s a matter of taste. :slight_smile: What makes it less good though? The relocating of the USB port or something else as well?

I disagree. The best one i’ve seen is probably @okp’s carbon fiber custom enclosure.

I’m definitely a fan of @FLATLINEcustoms Mad Monkey, or @Qwiksand’s Baby Buffalo (also a thumb throttle option!). Those are my next two in addition to my couple badwolf v2’s.

Plus they are free and continually improved by those gentlemen who are sharing with the community.

No disrespect to @MasterCho (it looks well done), but i’m a fan of the community projects vs a profit model from a re-work like an enclosure for GT2b.


Once u put a mastercho mod together youll see what hes talking about

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I am not taking away from the mad munkey or the baby buffalo, they are solid mods. But my opinion (and many many others) the @MasterCho mod is the best. You dont have to remove the USB port and I like the fit in the hand. Appearance dosnt really matter because it is covered up by your hand. okp’s mod is fantastic but he’s the only one who has it, so i dont think it is fair to consider his an option. Not trying to start a fight or anything here. Just my input and opinions.


Okp’s is available on thingiverse.

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Which GT2b? Fly sky or HK? Is there a difference? Thinking of a mad monkey now that I can purchase one from eSk8. Name: EZ RIDER or maybe EZ RIDER GT2B MOD. Is there a video on how to do mod?

Gt2b ‘mad scientist’ mod (Mine hehe) is the easyest. You dont need a enclouse. Just some tape to isolate and glue/zipties. Not pretty but small

How much i need to pay for printing mad monkey case? I just want to do mod and do not have printer as no idea how $ it cost. So how much i should reckon with if i do printing in some company?

Take a look at 3DHub. Something like this should be $20 or less depending on filament.

Either one works with any mod u want to make as both are virtually the same remote just different branding

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thanks mate! it’s still rocking solid even after many falls ! If I have time I’ll make another enclosure but this time in 3D and share the files with all of ya

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Hey, I think this would be straightforward with the symmetric function

Have you tried it? if so how does it feel?

Got my @MasterCho Mod in the mail!! I can’t wait to try it out!


I’ve happily been using the Nano-X & Mini remotes on my builds, I thought they were great in hands, but I had the chance to try out this MasterCho remote this weekend and I now have a remote and case coming my way, the weight and ergonomics of this remote mod is just beautiful and oh so comfortable.

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I’m after one of MasterChos 3D printed enclosures for GT2B. Non of the links above work and my search’s on eBay have not found them. Are they available to the uk.

You can download it from the link below.


ChoModder’s remote hahaha

Are you still printing them for sell ?