Can’t pair gt2b

ok i took a new video more in depth and its uploading now

if you always have a constant flashing on the remote, it sounds as if binding button is constantly pushed in, or there’s a short or maybe you accidentally damaged something on the pcb?

did you try to bind without pushing the binding button on the remote? if that works (ie if receiver led goes from flashing to solid) something’s causing the binding on the remote to short out

i will try to bind without button

just tried and it binded without pushing the button when the bind key was in but when i took the bind key out it didnt bind again.

ok… so for some reason your remote is faulty constantly trying to bind. that sucks. :neutral_face: inspect the pcb carefully for any damage and see if there is somewhere you might have caused a short, maybe while soldering that antenna…


theres nothing i can see. i guess i will just have to get another one when i get some more money.

life sucks. :wink: did you get that 2nd video uploaded yet?

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i am now 10 charc

its pretty in depth

good?? 10 charc

Doesn’t work. Sais video clip is not available.

try this one:

can u watch that one?

nope? image

give me a sec

the problem was the video was private and now its public so it should work

can you view it now?

is it good???