Daily Driver (Chinese build) - Dual Winning W4 83mm Hub motors / DIY 12S Modular (?) Battery / VESC

Thanks i was looking to buy one :smiley:


  • The battery will now be a 12S3P, as I was scared of voltage sag as the Samsung 30Q that I got are rated at 15A and not 20 like the 25Rsā€¦ I am halfway there, right now it is a 6S3P

  • Bigger Battery means bigger Enclosure ! Also, I didnā€™t realize that the VESC were that big, those capacitors take some space ! So I bought some tools, wood, and High density foam as Iā€™ll be now thermoforming an enclosure out of 2mm Kydex (discovered this lovely material on this forum). The whole cost ended up being 200 Yuan, plus 300 Yuan of tools (that will be re used for future projects).

  • I now plan on charging having the BMS packed with the charger and not on the board itself, itā€™ll reduce the size of the enclosure while saving a few bucks as I wonā€™t need to buy a 80A one, a 10A/20A will be enough for just charging and balancing.

  • Soldered some proper bullet connectors on the motors, the original ones werenā€™t standard size, either too smell either to big for any size that I could find in the factory

Updates !

Bad News : The enclosure was a total fail, my oven was to small, the Kydex sheets too ( had to make it a 2 part box), the mold had to much sharp edges that I couldnā€™t get the plastic to wrap around them correctly. Alsoā€¦ I didnā€™t use a press, I was too excited and didnā€™t take the time to gather the materials to build it. Iā€™ll see it itā€™s possible to re-use the piece of Kydex later when I build a press (which is basically just wood and yoga mats, I knowā€¦)ā€¦ Trying the Epoxy Resin + Fiberglass technique this weekend.

Good news : The battery is now finished, got a bunch of XT90 connectors from the company and soldered them to the VESCs, I also made a XT90s Loop Key (thanks @sl33py for the Idea !) and hooked it up to the battery. I will try the first VESC + Motor tests this week.

Here are some picsā€¦ with a Hipster filter of course :wink: :

#The battery : 12S3P Samsung 30Q (44.4V / 9Ah / 45A)

Balance leads (Iā€™ll have to rewire them, as I end up with 14pins instead of 13 :confused: )

#XT90s Loop Key :

#VESCs :

Enjoy !


Congrats man! Show us some videos when you get it rolling.

Hey guys so iā€™ve been looking at e-skate parts on aliexpress. I came across with this truck set with dual motor configuration. It is oddly cheap ($180) so im quite suspicious about this product. Has anyone used this brandsā€™ products or heard anything about it?

Hi man, searh for benchwheel and youā€™ll find everything you need.

Iā€™ve been using them on a Benchwheel complete board. Theyā€™re reasonably powerful, you might want to change the gear ratio though, at 85Kg I was getting good torque but poor max speed (24km/h). Also, the motor mount design doesnā€™t allow for bigger motors apparently

I used to buy winning motor, but burns after 6 months, getting hot. Good luck. :slight_smile:

any update on this build, How do those hub motors perform???

Hi guys, still alive : Iā€™ve been figuring out some problems with the VESCs, enclosure, and motors.

#Here is what happened :

  1. Tried to configure the motors in BLDC, ā€“> Too much step skipping, even without load.

  2. Tried FOC, didnā€™t work for some reason, so I modded C18 Capacitor on both VESCs ā€“> Worked like a charm on one of the VESCs, caused more DRV faults on the other, even on BLDC

  3. Changed DRV 8302 on the faulty VESC with a very skilled workmate, but t didnā€™t solve anything ā€“> Ordered a new VESC, its on the way

  4. Did some test runs with 1 Motor/VESC in FOC, electronics taped under the board ā€“> So silent, I mean no audible noise except the wheels rubbing on the ground, factory workers thought I was a magician. ā€“> Very low torque at the beginning with 1 motor, but decent torque at 20km/h (didnā€™t go faster than that) ā€“> Braking is very weak, but it was expected. ā€“> Yes, HOOOOT, the trucks are barely touchable after the 5mn Start/Stop test run that I did, I really understant the truck design of the raptor 2 now. I will lower the max amps from 60 to 40, and try not to start from standstill next time.

  5. Tried a Kydex enclosure, didnā€™t work, used polysterene for the mold, that thing doesnā€™t really like hot plastic + Heat gun over itā€¦

  6. Tried a Fiberglass epoxy enclosure, failed too, because I didnā€™t know that I used epoxy ADHESIVE, and not RESINā€¦ It woks, but it is so uglyā€¦

#SOOOoooā€¦ It is still a work in progress, the epoxy adhesive enclosure is really ugly right now, but Iā€™ll make a new one with either a 3D printer or a CNC in the factory.

So yes, the motors are hot, but that was to be expected with a 130kv motor at 12S 60A trying to start from standstill. I am sure that 2 motors will reduce the stress thus the temperature of the motors while boosting the torque a little. Definitely going to research ways to dissipate heat from the trucks and the motors. Right now I am thinking about small radiators everywhereā€¦

But damn, FOC is such a pain to configure, I am sure that the motor detection is just a start, it can work with very good motors, but needs more tweaking with lesser quality motors. With VESC 6 on the way, I hope that we can understand more about those DRV errors, so that even VESC4 users can use the newly acquired knowledge of the chip to configure FOC better.

Sooā€¦ not giving up on FOC !

About the VESCā€™s, I really donā€™t know if the first one was faulty, if it is Maytechā€™s fault or not, but I definitely broke it trying to repair it, and there was no refund after that. Aniway they are only 66 dollars here, Iā€™ll let you know how it goes with the new oneā€¦

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Received the VESC yesterday, proceeded to mod C18, and to configure it in BLDC Tool today.

#1ST Test run :

(+++) So much SPEED !!! I was used to a good torque with my Benchwheel, but it ā€œTorque sensationā€ would stop after reaching 17-18km/h. On this one ITā€™S NEVERENDING, I canā€™t reach top speed in the limited area I had in the factory, but the faster I go, the more torque I feel. I love it.

(+++) Braking feels solid at -40A/-20A, but 50A should be better.

(- - -) No start from standstill, gotta go give a tiny push (the speed you get from stepping on the board is enough).

(- - -) Motors are still a little warmer than expected a 50A (Nothing crazy), Iā€™ll turn it down to 45A to be safe

#Here are my VESC settings :



Itā€™s been a loooooong timeā€¦

I paused this project because of, you knowā€¦ Chinese crazy lifeā€¦ But I am back on track !

I had a problem with the motors as the urethane got away randomly on the the left motor (kinda scary, i must admit), sent it back to the seller, he told me their new version has a safer way to attach the urethane, and that they would update it to the new version (See the black metal ring under the screws ? it wasnā€™t there on the version I bought) :

Even though I had to pay for postage both ways, I was happy to see that they fixed the problemā€¦ Oh waitā€¦ They did update it to the new version, but the same motor keeps losing its screws, thus the urethaneā€¦ I am currently talking with them for more fixingā€¦

So, yeah, lucky me to live in China, postage is easy,cheap and fast here.

What else ?

  • The VESCā€™s hold their own pretty well, but if i put full throttle while the board is off the ground, they get a DRV_Error. I also Limited the RPM to 26000 as I remember, choose this value while listening to the motor without load, started at 40000 and went down until it wasnā€™t scary anymoreā€¦

  • The Battery is really really long range, I need to do some range tests, but it seems like more than 10km (3 round trips to work) at 40-70% throttle , which is already too wobbly for such a small wheelbase.

  • Still donā€™t have an enclosure, everything is taped to the board, it is UGLY, finally found one that could fit the 12S3P pack, and the VESCs.

  • The Wheelbase is really to small for the speeds those motor reach. I wonder if I could extend the wheelbase by drilling new truck holes in the front (there is like 12cm), does someone knows how to do that right ?


Hi great build, how are the motors holding?

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One of them is holding fine, but the other one keeps losing its urethane, I opened it since the seller wouldnā€™t repair it for less than half the price of the motor : One magnet came loose and was hitting the rotorā€¦ glad I did open it and prevented further damage.

I donā€™t recommend them at allā€¦ theyā€™re powerful but really to dangerous. I am trying to fix the faulty one myself nowā€¦ takes a loooong time.

But good news, my company is working on 100mm hub motors, the first prototype is set to next month so iā€™ll tell you guys how it goes.


any picture on the new hub motor :smiley:

Awesome keep us updated!

If your batteries are rated at 15A with 3P arenā€™t hot cutting it real close to the motors 45A draw?

Pictures on taobao

@ajaynagra i meant motor his company is making :smiley: or that also on taobao??

Oh lol my bad

I am not sure I understand, but if you mean that 3P is a little short for the 45A use, yeah youā€™re right. I limit the battery current in the VESC though, the motor current is higher. I am not sure how they are related but it seems to work fine.