Hello guys, I’ve been offering Loaded Vanguard enclosures for a while now, but as I build more boards I have other enclosures for sale as well, so I’m making a thread with my enclosures portafolio:
I have several requests to make a Loaded Vanguard 12S enclosure, for all those who would like the benefits of a 12S battery whether you are building a new Loaded Vanguard with loads of range, torque and speed from the start or want to upgrade your current vanguard equipped with 10S, this is the perfect time.
Personally since I tested 12S, I can’t go back to 10S anymore.
12S Vanguard Battery enclosure
US$ 70
Here is a comparison between the 10S and 12S battery enclosure.
Loaded Vanguard battery enclosure V2
US$ 60
The difference between this and V1 is the shape of the front of the battery enclosuree, now it seals completely, making it easier to waterproof it.
Made of flexible fiberglass
Perfect shape for Loaded Vanguard
Painted with matte black paint
It fits 10S4P of 18650, a BMS, Antisparkswitch, charger port, battery capacity tester, wires
I bought a set for my Boosted Clone build some months ago! I have to say they’re amazeballs and I couldn’t be happier. They’re incredibly rugged and seems easy to waterproof.
I love your enclosures, but I’ve gone full stupid and am building a 10s 6p pack. Let me know if you have one or ever plan to build one that can hold such a beast.
I’m trying to build a 10s6p and a 12s5p for people that have requested it.
However, I’m finding a lot challenges in order to have a nice sweet enclosure that look perfect, I could do any type of enclosure but not all of them will seamlessly blend with the deck.
If there’s an option that would fit 60 cells but won’t be visually appealing, I definitely won’t ever build it.
A two cell layer enclosure will look terrible and would have a really bad ground clearance, unless you make an enclosure boost board like with two segments.
Runing cell horizontally would allow me to run a 10s6p or 12s5p but there wouldn’t be any space left for the switch, BMS, wires, xt60 or xt90 connectors, maybe only for tow VESCs or Focboxes.
You could plan to run the VESCs on a different compartment on the top of the deck, as on a Trampa EMTB, and the connect the motors, but if wouldn’t be a 12s5p enclosure anymore.
If you try to run the cells vertically, almost no deck in the market will allow 10 cells vertically, you will have to get a deck with at least 9" on the thinnest part, that’s a pretty fat deck, so that’s also not an option.
I understand the issue you don’t want to make something huge, ugly and bulky. I haven’t found anything that will fit my pack that doesn’t embody all three of those. Would it look so bad to add little height to it though? Perhaps just as a prototype? You could support such stacked configurations where the cells are right on top of each other and so you get some space savings? I’m sure you’ve thought of that though.
Maby using battery enclosure on both sides. 10s3p on each side? It would be tight but I think it’s enough place. Than you would have place for 2 vesc on each side. Drop bms, use a balancing board only. They are thin and won’t take any place.