First build at 11 years old!

But I started a couple of years ago tho

haha nope, 14 now. I gotta stop giving this kid ideas before he takes my record…


I actually just bought that battery to try it out “for science”. I suspect it wouldn’t give very much power, but it should be able to deliver enough amps to at least give as much power as some of those chinese boards that I see selling for $300. I will update once I have tested it though.

You’re right to worry. I’ve had 3 separate cops hassle me about it and one even me gave a ticket. Either they don’t know the law (which is sad considering they’re cops) or they just don’t care and want to fill their quota.


Fuck so I can’t even try being younger with 15​

i started at 15 and here i am a year later, finally up and running. we should have a “young esk8rs club”


I think it is a combination of both, it is so new that they don’t care to read it, and even if you bring it with you, half the time they probably won’t read it

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When ever cops stop me in my area i start talking to them most of them know me now and don’t care I’ve even gotten a few of them to try it. most cops in my area don’t care I’m 13. one even defended me when this old man called the police and said that i was going to fast and could possibly hurt someone. I wish more cops could be like the ones near me.

We should have that club.

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yea when I see cops I just slow down to about 5moh so they can’t yell at me for going too fast. my mom works for the po po so i’ve got a bit of wiggle room :wink:

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Yeah kinda feel bad for the people that get pulled over but its not my problem.

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Cops around here cant even be arsed to arrest the guy that stole my first board. I doubt they’d have enough motivation to pull me over if I did burnouts in their parking lot.

(I’m still a little salty about the whole thing if you can’t tell.)


yeah i would be too but at least u got some motivation to build a second. Sorry about that, I hope that never happens to me.

Bring a lock with you, and have some way to secure the board such that a person with a skate tool won’t be able to take off a wheel or truck and bypass the lock. I made the mistake of setting it in the corner rather than keeping it right next to me. I took my eyes off it for a minute, and it walked off,

Got you beat buddy​:joy::joy::joy:

First what’s your budget? It seems you’re missing a pair of trucks and the remote. You need a thread lock that’s for sure. You also might consider the HUB motor option, it depends on how much research you might or might not shave off a couple bucks. Look up 18650 batteries and BMS, it could save you a lot of trouble if you or your brother are familiar with soldering. Motor mount - you could get this. All of this can be determined by knowing your budget so I suggest you list your budget and your desire speed/torque.

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Wheeet?? So that’s the law here? Ilegal if goes above 20, and forbbiden if you race at 15 ?? So is a no-no. Glad here in San Francisco we live in paradise cop land.

Yeah, I hear ZBoards had a lot to do with drafting the law. I wouldn’t complain though, as far as I’m aware, it’s still the only esk8 law in the country


Why they did that? So their boards will fit the bill and others dont?

supposedly, yes

This thread makes me happy. I needed it after that other thread that made me very, very angry.

@caleb1 thank you for joining our community and if anyone gives you a hard time come get me. We want you to succeed. Sometimes we’re hard on people about reading up on stuff but i promise its because that’s the only way to get somebody to ask the right questions. Now go build something awesome and make your friends insanely jealous.