I am anti-innovation & here is why

Wow, I haven’t been notified this many times in a new topic in a long time! I see a lot of accusations and assumptions and I would like to clear a few things up. Anyone wanting to know what components we have changed are welcome to them, we have listed them to several people in emails and forum messages.

Good job to @onloop for switching over to direct fets but at first glance I can see many missing capacitors, most likely due to switching from 15uf 50v caps to 4.7uf 100v. Don’t let the numbers fool you, the higher voltage caps perform better.

In regards to releasing these gerbers for this modified version. I don’t think he needs to "legally " but there is nothing stopping anyone from creating a version of there own using kicad. As vedder has said before, creating the pcb is the easy part. A vesc pcb revision can take as little as a few hours in the hands of an experienced kicad user.

Interesting to hear vedder is not going to open source v6 @onloop . Seems very uncharacteristic of him and highly unlikely. I can see how he might since it now looks like you have not been sending him any support this year judging by your donation policy.

I would ask you to rethink your willingness to send vedder support and to please start sending him donations freely as both @elkick and I do. It is the only ethical thing to do if you are going to use his development and software.


I agree ben needs something out of this, I am working on a more consistent transparent renumeration model through the new affiliate network. However we wanted to move beyond the donation model to something more substantial.

This year we made an offer to vedder to allow him to work full time on the vesc exclusively for the esk8 community. The timing wasnt right and the offer was declined. But the door is still open for us to work together in the future if possible… I am sure Vedder would be happy to work full time on the vesc, but he needs to do it under the right circumstances and of course it’s a big decision for him as he has a job already. However Its likely Ben has other bigger plans that don’t necessarily include esk8 related vesc developments. Plenty of opportunities knocking at his door due to the success of the vesc platform.

Anyway. We decided to move forward and invest in and develop our own hardware version in the meantime whilst Ben decides his path. We will continue to focus our contributions to the esk8 industry and community in the most beneficial ways we can as that is our primary passion.

That sounds like a whole lot of double speak for “I am not going to send him donations”. We send him donations regularly and they are quite substantial. I suggest you do the same if you are going to continue to use the VESC source.

I do commend you for at least being open about your lack of support and donations to Vedder and how you want him to join your crew. I have grown to know Benjamin well and I seriously doubt he will be pulling away from the open source community anytime soon.


@onloop, I hope this is constructive. I think this has just been a bit of a stumble in your marketing practices, not R&D or innovation or other tangential thing. The way it looks on this forum to offer the originator of the VESC an affiliate rewards system in an open-source community, when other vendors have set a precedent of paying a license fee to Veddar, is what has rankled so many folks (personally I’m indifferent, I’m just saying this is how others feel). We’re in an age of marketing by ethics - look at Toms Shoes, Chipotle, Warby Parker (sorry these are all U.S. brands but I assume this trend exists in AU too) and the list goes on, which means that more and more consumers look to their internal ethics when they make a purchasing decisions. So, within the culture/ethics of an open source community this just hasn’t looked great, whereas in other communities offering an affiliate program may look very generous.

Of course you’re not obligated to contribute to Veddar at all (I think all those arguments saying you’re required to fall flat), but if you did it would do a lot for the optics of this situation - even if the license amount is nominal.

So far I think your marketing has been brilliant - full of pluck and openness and I’m impressed with how much penetration you’ve gotten. That being said, no one can expect things to be perfect all the time though and launches are especially difficult. I hope this is helpful.

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Your retail prices are a tad higher so I suppose you can afford to be more generous. We make very little profit on the current vesc we sell so makes it harder to donate substantial amount like you do.

However I do think the new affiliate model will work well as it will give vedder the ability to earn a direct commission if he chooses. Also other affiliates can choose to donate their comssion, or part of, to the vedder.

I generally think the broader community should directly chip in more if they want more updates and releases. If every forum members paid just $1 per month to vedder he would be very well funded. I would also be willing to promote a fund raising campaign and use this forum as a platform to promote it.

Either vendors charge more and pass it on. Or, Vendors charge less and community pays it forward. Same same.

Id say that most vesc vendors probably don’t donate much if anything to vedder. Which is a bit sad… None of the Chinese factories will donate that’s for sure.

Honestly, i focus my donations more towards the community… I do it via offering my own open source wares, my motor mounts have been downloaded thousands of times by people all over the world. There are people using the design for fun & tgere are sone selling my design too. On this forum!!

I have never received a single donation for my works and I really don’t make a point of asking.

I also host this website and cover the monthly fees. So the community can share their works and vendors can merchandise their wares…

I also personally wrote 90% of the vesc FAQ user articles on here to help people use the vesc… before i did that there was very limited documentation online… this is many hours of time donated.

So I suppose I could increase my vesc prices and donate more. I could also donate less to building this community and the industry that serves as a platform for which my competitors grow their businesses on.

At the end of the day I think we all just need to give as much as we can afford. I promise When I’m rich I’ll give everyone some more money…

The good news is I started to pay myself a wage for the first time last month… now I can help support my wife and two babies & If I keep doing well I can eventually afford to support someone else.


I think that many of us in the community would be more than glad to donate $1 per month to vedder. It is saddening to hear vedder did not want to work full time on the vesc.

To @onloop: I get confused some times between whether your in this for the money or for the passion and desire to innovate eskates. But what I think is that if you really are just about the money, you could be in another, more profitable industry. Not to say eboards can’t be profitable, just that you have great marketing skills, and you could easily make big bucks promoting a multi-million dollar company in another more established industry. And I think developing the VESC-X makes it crystal clear that you are in it for the passion and to help evolve the industry.

To the community: I’ve had my differences with @onloop in the past. I’ve been relentless at times. But at some point, you have to just move on. A lot of this complaining and harassing (which is what these flagged posts really are) is so counter productive. I agree the community should know the facts about any given seller, but address your frustrations, and move on. Some of you have been doing this for 6 months+. The amount of Jasons’ time your eating up by dragging this out could have been used to fix the bugs your complaining about… It’s not easy running a company, especially one that’s blown up like his has. I wish sometimes there was more open communication. But at this point, he’s dammed if he does something new (VESC-X) and dammed if he keeps to same (in my opinion flawed) VESC. That’s not fair (and 2 wrongs don’t make a right either).

And to those complaining about the price. Understand 2 things:

  • The first few of a new product is usually more expensive, some times far more expensive, than the final price.
  • Electric skateboards are not cheap toys. Period. How much do you value your life? Falling at 30 mph is not pretty (I have done this thanks to an exploding FVT 120a) unless your wearing full leathers, which I haven’t seen any of us wearing. Both @onloop and I (and I’m sure many other members on here) have experienced the false economy. I experienced it even with enertions products (but especially with hobby grade parts). Cheaper does not mean better, it means more risk. It might work out fine, or it might blow up on you and cost you more money. I wish at the time, I hadn’t been cheap, and just coughed up the money for 2 chaka vescs instead of buying 2 unproven quality vescs from enertion. Wasted 200 bucks and I basically ended up paying $520 for 2 working vescs instead of $320.

The quality of the VESC-X is unproven. But it looks promising. I hope I get a chance to test one. The Direct Fets should make a big difference, and shorter traces are always better.

If 20 are produced and 10 of those customers are complaining of problems and getting no help, then your justified to be on here complaining in my mind. But you haven’t even given them a chance… Even if there are issues, this is a step in the right direction.

I actually asked a productive question but it was skipped because of all the complaining about a new product that none of you have even tested. While the community needs openness, there has to be structure to it. At the end of the day, creating a new thread like this is all that you needed to do if you wanted to complain. But complaining isn’t going to fix your problems. Do your research, and understand that if your not willing to through down some serious bucks for a vesc, your taking a gamble. At the prices he’s charging, he would go bankrupt tomorrow if he included a warranty at the current price point. And that doesn’t benefit anyone here…


I think that many of us in the community would be more than glad to donate $1 per month to vedder. It is saddening to hear vedder did not want to work full time on the vesc.

Don’t believe everything you hear. Vedder has been spending all his free time developing the new programing for the VESC. Just because Benjamin did not accept Jason’s offer to come work for him privately does not mean he is not dedicated to the project. What saddens me is when people who have profited on the VESC spread rumors our flat out lies about a developer with such good nature. Many people do not know this but Vedder scrapped thousands of lines of code to make the bldc-tool/vesc-tool more easily modified and amended. He deserves our respect!


You can be an open source evangelist, Jesus for the community, Mother of Esk8 or the God of innovation… …there are rules you have to follow.

You guys are being incredibly hard on Jason, as far as I’m concerned he has done nothing wrong and is doing a wonderful job supporting the community. Something most VESC manufacturers are not doing. He has provided source as far as he is legally obliged, and done his best to improve a product that many people on this forum have had issues with.

I find the idea of Jason doing this solely for the money ridiculous. It is clear that he puts an incredible amount of work into Enertion. Someone with his abilities, and determination could be doing many other things, making much more money.

Thanks @onloop for providing these forums, and pushing this hobby forward. Ignore the people that refuse to provide any legitimate criticism and may have little perspective as to how difficult doing what you’ve accomplished is.


Oh I’m sure he is dedicated. What I meant, is that I wish as a community, we could somehow come together to help fund him so that he can afford to work on this project full time. I’m sure you send quite a bit to him @chaka, and If I’m paying an extra $5 or $10 bucks per vesc knowing that it’s going to vedder, I’m more than happy to.

Even if Jason was to start sending money to vedder for every vesc he sells, I don’t know if vedder would quit his job to spend more time working on this. I get your frustration, cause I’m sure your price scares off a lot of customers. And part of that price is there to donate to vedder. But it is also his choice of how to run his business. I wish he donated say $5 per vesc to vedder, but the problem is also that the community as a whole keeps complaining about high prices.

Everyone needs to understand, that vescs are not cheap. Buying a vesc when you have $400 budget is like saying I need a car on a budget and buying a Tesla. The VESC is a luxury speed controller. And vedder deserves compensation for it. By pricing them so low, vedder loses which is not fair, since we are all benefiting from his hard work. So stop demanding low prices, and accept that VESCs are not cheap to make, and part of the cost your paying is for vedder to keep improving it.

Jason introduced the VESC to much of this community, and recently Jerimiah, you have been the driving force of improvement. I wish there was a way we could all work together instead of tearing each other apart… There’s so much that can be done if we combine our work and ideas. This argument is one of the reasons I always say capitalism kills innovation. Profit is always more important than innovation in a capitalistic society.


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Not only that, I’m sure Boosted, Evolve and other kickstarters have taken from VESC and contributed nothing back nor given any credit to Vedder with the exception being ArcBoards. The irony here is you’re one of the good guys trying to do the right thing and getting blasted for it when there are many unseen actors taking, not giving back and getting no negative feedback at all – they’re the real bad guys here. It’s like the old saying goes, you hurt those closest to you.

I think your intent is in the right place but my advice is that this comission model runs contrary to the open source culture. I can see this affiliate model as exciting for someone like you because you’re accustomed to wearing multiple hats that include sales and marketing. Vedder hasn’t shown an interest in sales. To the community (myself excluded) it looks like you’re trying to turn him into a salesperson when the community would rather see you support him in something he does well and likes - develop. I think there’s probably a good middle ground here, for example, something similar to Amazon’s smile program where if people put in a coupon code a portion of the proceeds will go to vedder and then offer a badge on this forum or something like that. I don’t know what the answer is exactly though and I think this issue is a complex one.


@evoheyax I am actually not frustrated at all and really wish everyone would cut Jason and his engineers some slack. Vedder, as far as I know, does not feel anyone using his open source files needs to publish the gerber files of everything derived. If anyone wants to build a VESC with direct fet technology it is easy. Vedder made sure to use Kicad for this very reason. He wants everyone to have access regardless of access to expensive proprietary software.

I made a direct fet VESC earlier this year but I stopped development after a few conversations with Vedder and his commencement of version 5 and now v6. This was about the time I was pushing single drive boards to their limits.

Personally I am very much a capitalist and I view open source to be the purest form of capitalism where good service and manufacturing decides who does well and succeeds. In open source you can not hide behind patents and rest on your hands. If you produce using open source everyone else has free access to use your breakthroughs and build on them. This does not mean you need to spoon feed your competition any information or manufacturing files ect.

Would I like Jason to donate to Benjamin? Yes, but he is by no means obligated to do so or even tell us if he has. The last thing anyone should do is attempt to shame him for his reluctance.

So please stop pushing his buttons everyone, there is no joy in it.


I always thought Vedder is a phd student since he works at the SP Technical Research Institute and has been co-author on a number of papers. I doubt he will stop his phd to “just” work full time on the VESC.

Yet the following, that still fall into “your rules” are not marked?

You are forcing them, as you make out like any fault with a VESC (without the purchased warranty) is the fault of the user and their not entitled to refunds that you advertise on your site.

You yourself had a go at Chaka about this when you decided to give him constructive feedback about his product

I would assume Chaka charges more than you because his products are reliable and he actually stands by his warranty and products. As for the $1/month, I think a lot of people would happily pay to be a “vedder supporter” using the forum as the medium, as long as you don’t dip into that money too.

@guy guy- not sure that arc boards actually donated to vedder. They said “we are eyeing that donate button, if we have leftover money we might really donate!” Lol.

Or you know, @chaka and @onloop can do a royalty program where a certain percentage of the profit can be donated to Vedder directly? This isn’t rocket science, everyone wants to scream but no one except @onloop (although the idea does seem to be done halfheartedly) has anything to offer. At this point if Jason sells his VESC at cost people will still complain.

@onloop feels like you’re a very controversial figure in the DIY esk8 community. :neutral_face:


Curious how much of this “affiliate program” ended up compensating Mr. Vedder. Does it still exist?


Absolutely, the tooth fairy runs it aided and abetted by the Easter bunny

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