LHB & NGV: Sword Board


So many comments here from Eddy the experts and they all have one thing in common…what do you think that is Moe ? Hahaha no disrespect but here is a group of very talented engineers who have achieved something that no one else can ! Guys the floor is there, if your as good as you say you are stop talking and put your money where your mouth is… its that simple ! Maybe it’s time to stop playing in the sandpit…

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cant you just turn the brakes down? that’s what we do with the vesc.


This is a great question for those “engineers”.


Um…:thinking: I assume you have seen this video of @MoeStooge?

It appears the money has been put where the mouth is. :grin: In my opinion.


i was just typing that same sentiment.

I honestly don’t think the general public is ready to break the esk8 light barrier (60mph) when most people can’t handle past 40 (mach barrier), and most boards, DIY included, can’t maintain 40mph speeds on a regular basis without regular checkups and occasionally blowing parts.

in 2016 a film group from Holland came over and i told them and the world that i built the most powerful boards you can buy. At the time is was unquestionably true. At the moment, that’s still mostly true. Noone else is selling 40mph boards, or boards that can take a 300 pound man damn near 40mph, and selling them with a warranty and whatever you want painted on the deck.

On one hand i don’t want to lose that title, but on the other hand, i don’t want to focus on ludicrous speeds when 90% of my customers just want to go somewhere north of 30mph on occasion when they feel frisky and the rest of the time want to cruise casual or just get to work on time.

Instead of pursuing the warp barrier, i decided to harden my approach to the mach barrier which is, quite frankly, just as challenging yet far more practical.

You see, at the moment, a 40mph board can actually take you to work reliably, plug in a wall to charge easily, not melt the eswitches, start from a standstill, look amazing, be weather tight and be relatively low maintenance for a skateboard.

60mph boards cannot accomplish any of that and belong only on the track or salt flats, which would reduce my customer base by a factor of 10. I actually have to sell working boards to stay in business because i have zero investors, zero venture capital, have done zero fundraising, and do not have a silent money partner. It’s all me and all my credit card debt which is beginning to drop because i’m actually starting to pay for more than just my re-ups and labor costs. Thank you evolve mods.

All of that being said, I want NGV to succeed. I want the Nextboard to be a good steward of the next big speed target.


awsome video. what setup is that @MoeStooge?

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Clearly not mate or it would be official…

Assuming we’re talking about @MoeStooge’s obvious holding of the cup for world’s fastest board that somebody actually stayed on that didn’t fly apart, how much more ‘official-ness’ do you need other than multiple witnesses and video proof?


Why not make it official then ?

It’s that easy D :+1:

Of course we can…

I strongly agree with you. But here in Slovenia it is extremely hard to get in touch with skilled riders that are able to do such tests. But last year we went to California and do an uphill run at Mesa Grande with Louis Pilloni from Sector9. Did you see this video? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8EgbZITYVRE Whats wrong with it - the speed was 40+mph uphill on well known slope with well known rider…


dont understand why you said you need to brake using 2 motors instead of 4 then.

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here’s my 16 year old son in our neighborhood doing around 42mph on @Battosaii’s home built layndyachtz evo with some torquboards parts.

its at 2:00 if the time doesn’t link right.


Come to switzerland :wink: 20+ riders willing and skilled enough :wink:

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When I have the money you bet I’ll be doing that. But unfortunately at the moment I’m broke college student, not a company with dedicated reources to break the reccord. Call me all talk if you want but at least my boards run for longer than the week it takes to set up and break a record.


throwing the current from 4 180kv hub motors into a pack, even a 25C Tattu… would be a bit much at 60mph i would think. I figured the rear wheel braking was a smart move, actually.

dont know how the brakes work really but regardless of if it’s 4 or 2 wheels doign the braking the energy from the momentum has to go somewhere. if all the energy being created into electricity when braking happens through 2 or 4 motors and esc…I’d think distributing it over more would be safer. Do they use a resistor or something to dissipate the energy from braking or what? and I like front wheel braking as sometimes I’ll slide on a downhill if it’s rear

I agree with you, longhairedboy! Customer satisfaction is our first goal , and we will do everything we can, to make your customer happy again. But it is mandatory for us, to find out why this happened. Melted phase cables is effect and not cause of the problem. And of course we will work with you on this - your customer is also our customer - we will repair the e-drive, no problem, but we must prevent that such a failure happens again!