Raptor 2.1 unrideable

You are now a regular over there too. Had to pull some strings, twist a few arms, you know the usual. You are now forever in my debt.


Hahaha I appreciate that bro! Thank you

Anything you need sir.


Can you get @taz a job at Enertion? :rofl:


Lol I think they’re hiring a service manager


@taz You might need to borrow money for lunch. :rofl::gun:


Did I wrong you at some point of my life?



@taz lol I’m sure he was jk’ing. :rofl:


There are some things you don’t joke about. I nearly had a heart attack.


He asked why it is like that so I linked that… I can read thx…

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He could ask Jason…guy seems to know how borrowing works


:roll_eyes: You’re welcome?

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Sorry, I just couldn’t resist that setup. You just happened to be in the wrong place at the right time. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


DIY is dangerous by default with many, many ways to screw the pooch, protective gear is so, so sensible.

In saying that far too many horror stories for what is an END CONSUMER PRODUCT

I’m getting bored with innovation, must be age


You got your soul back :joy::sweat_smile:


So true. All he needs now is a ban to be complete.


Brianesque but poetic none the less

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Halla, I have a somewhat similar experience with the board and enertion. I had to wait for more than nine month for the board to arrive. First mini USB from remote just fell out, it took two weeks to replace (tolerable considering that I live in Norway), wheels were shredded after approximately 60 km due to (in my opinion) the choice of low quality urethane and they were clompletly useless. Then a few days later the in wheel bearing breaks down making klicking noises, the whole left hubmotor was loosening and movable when it should not. At first i had a good experience with the enertion support team but when i sent a frustrated e mail with the complaints building up, the contact suddenly stopped totally and I haven’t heard from them since. The promised new set of wheels for the hubmotor haven’t arrived or been lsent yet either, luckily i found some used ones from another customer who had a none functional Raptor 2.0. I learned my lesson and decided to build my own board, bioboard style. I just wanna add:”… sorry enertion, I was expecting a little more of a somewhat hyped product.


This sucks doesn’t it… Enertion seem to be great marketeers but really poor at support … My board doesn’t turn off at the moment as the button doesn’t work - I have emailed them 3 times and not sent a video to the - I need a replacement part clearly… they are a joke. I going to have to post the issue on Youtube and let the world see before they respond im sure.

Carl are you still there Carl ? I think I am now in possession of a $2341 skateboard/ paper weight,I have already asked for a refund but was told that on top of the 20% they would charge me to return a clearly dangerous defective product that I would be waiting for a couple of months minimum . In other words they are broke and just don’t have the money to pay for the refund

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