Subsonic Century 40 | Suftrodz | Bergmeister | eboosted enclosure | 6355 motors | 12S4P Samsung 30T

12s4p ready for 140A CDR

20190410_200606 20190411_203641


The eC40 is going to be a complete only? Or will you be able to buy deck and enclosure from them?

You can but the deck/enclosure combo from them directly already


Couldn’t find it on their web page… Do you have a link? Also Alan, how would you compare the with of your century 40 enclosure vs the moonshine sidekick enclosure? Are they roughly the same?

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Do you mean the width?

They are approximately the same, but on the Moonshine you can’t mount the cells offset, they won’t fit f you mount a 12s5p

On the Century you can easily mount a 12s5p or even a 14s5p and it’s single stack.

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May I ask what size nickel and how many layers you used for parallel connections? I assume it’s only one layer on the top?

Curious to know the kind of range you’ll get with this pack. Once again your enclosure work and battery build is spot on, haha

I use only one nickel strip on each possitive and negative but I connected P-Groups with two 16AWG silicone wires.

All electronics are ready


P1220011 P1220010


Painted with the same color as the wheels, ready for grip tape design:

20190415_164952 20190415_164935


Looks delicious :yum:



Unfortunately, I wasn’t ever able to compare my channels riding techniques against other pro riders, since there are no builders or diy boards in my country,

There was a couple eboys from Peru the other day lurking around. Pointed them in your direction.

20190423_185659 20190423_191210 20190423_210404

Almost ready: 20190423_202050 20190423_202037


So, at last, I finished my Century 40" thanks to @Subsonic_Paul for trusting my work.

Here are the final pictures before I go over everything in 5 minutes, can’t wait to see what those Samsung 30T can do, I wonder if the Unity can handle 140A battery discharge

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Llevala por Miraflores a todo gas como sueles hacer, y le sacas todo el demonio que trae adentro. Luego nos subes el video. :rocket:


Do you think 2x6355 can pull that many amps out of the system? Plz keep us posted. Very inspirational build.

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I just came back from my first trip. All I can say is AMAZING, it’s the smoothest board ever, acceleration even at 30% battery was delicious, it gets to top speed real fast and smooth. The tires are very grippy, the height is more than enough to look great but keeping a good ground clearance. If you compare the riding from this to a Trampa build with channels, you can ride much faster and feel safer without struggling to avoid woobles. The trucks are really stable even though they are really loose. I though I was going to have a hard time turning with this deck because of it’s dewedged deck but nothing more away from the truth, the board can turn way better than the trampa and even more than my sidekick.


A low ride AT board. I think it’s fantastic! Congratulation


I wonder if the new FW has anything to do with it but the brakes are really precise and feel like a high power brake. Just loving this board.

Just need to fix a couple of things, for some reason I can’t keep the front wheels/bearing from rattling, there is a small play on the bearings, there is something loose inside the enclosure, I’ll fix it tomorrow


That board looks so clean! Nice job!

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