Xmatic - VESC iOS Bluetooth App

Hey guys. I’m currently working on an iOS app for the vesc. It works with HM-10 modules and metr modules for those who has them. This is my first ever iPhone app so be gentle haha! My main goal of this app was just a fun project for me to learn more software skills.


  • Stats (voltage, current, wh consumption, etc…
  • Speedometer via gps/wheel rpm
  • Fault Detection
  • Power profiles
  • Read current board settings
  • Dashboard
  • Lifetime stats
  • Trip logging
  • Metric/Imperial standards


  • 3.37 3.38 3.100 3.101 3.102
  • 3.31, 3.32, 3.33, 3.34, 3.35
  • 3.28 3.29 3.30
  • 3.27
  • 2.18 2.54

Let me know what you think! Suggestions are welcome!

Follow link below to download iOS app, fill in info to get invite link to download beta app




does it have a Name? :slight_smile:

Nice work!

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This looks cool. I want an app for the Apple Watch.


If your goal is learning software skills, one of the biggest mistakes you can make is building stuff that only works on one brand of phone. As a business, this costs a bunch of money and can sink you later. Try looking at something like ReactNative

@b264 Yes but IOS is a staple and holds like half of the market.


“Yes but” when listening to software veterans will sink you later. Listen or not, I don’t give a shit.


Is reactnative a cross platform software development program?

why are you always so angry :joy: relax bro. He might not want to get into industry or become a “pro programmer” stuck behind a screen. so just relax, give him feedback and move on.


I’m not angry. I’m just rolling my eyes because he’s drinking the Kool-Aid. People have to learn to think for themselves and remove the fog of what people want them to think (so they can make more money because of you)

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There’s nothing wrong with starting out with Native Programming (to this I refer to respective languages compiled & used for said development) and then working towards software that allows you to code in both at the same time, if anything, it’ll allow you to understand what you’re working with better than if you didn’t have an understanding of Swift and Android. Not to mention that his next project, which would probably be porting to android, will give him a better foundation in Java, Swift, and general programming as he compares and contrast the difference between the two and how both Languages change his perspective on effective practices, and programming as a whole.

As a independent he’s better building his profile , like this and then going to ReactNative, rather than telling him that doing this is a mistake.


@twan first go at an IOS?.. NICE work man. Now you have a foundation to build off of for any future projects. I’m a bit envious, I haven’t made the leap myself (not just eSkate app, but apps in general).

I think his intention is not to make money out of this, but just to make a nice looking ios BT app in his free time

He actually stated his intention :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m leaving here though, there is too much Kool-Aid and a lack of respect for logic and experience.

I literally just bought a hm-10 but I haven’t found a free app so THANK YOU! So I’m guessing you’re using swift software to create this app?

This is good start, thought about open sourcing it? I might contribute to it if you do. Maybe even port it to android. It would be good to have an open source alternative.

@myreala There is a better open source one started at http://www.electric-skateboard.builders/t/new-esk8-app-for-ios-and-android/37318

That looks nice, but I don’t like the idea of using ReactNative, maybe I’ll do a native android version of that app. Can’t hurt to have more options.

I tried playing around with that one but it was broken so couldn’t even get it to work

@b264 yess I was planning to learn react native but i decided to do native programing first before trying to move to react native. I will learn react for my next app whatever it might be.

@Jc06505n mhmm! thats like my thought process of getting into these types of programing, wanted ease into it and learn some native before going full react as some people suggested. Im not a CS major so I’m just learning piece by piece.

@Scoo_B_SK8 haha yess! first go at iOS, thank you! that means a lot. I just need to learn more about UI stuff, got no experience in that department! Take the leap! You won’t regret it. I used to play games in my spare times but now I just programing. Programming for fun is very interesting, never understood why people did it until now.

@gee yep swift and C

@myreala I’m not sure yet. I want to put it out into the app store so I will charge like a buck or two to get the developer fee back :] which isn’t much. Then probably open source it to gain improvements, didn’t think too much about it.